What is Henderson PAC?
The Henderson Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of parents / guardians who meet on a predetermined basis to discuss events happening around the school, hear informative presentations from staff and visiting presenters, and to work together to plan creative events for our school community.
As a parent / guardian you are automatically a member of the PAC. We welcome everyone to attend PAC meetings and get involved in our school in whatever way you can.
What is the Henderson PAC Leadership Team?
The Henderson PAC Leadership Team is a group of up to twelve (12) members who take on more responsibilities or a leadership role. PAC Leadership roles can be shared between two (2) people, if desired. These members are elected into their roles on an annual basis (see exception below) at a predetermined time. If a position is vacant it may be filled via a vote at a regular PAC meeting.
Note: Two members of the same household may share a role with the following considerations:
If the role is a required Signing Officer, only one of the two may be added as such
They share a singular vote when making a Leadership decision
PAC Executive job descriptions
Calls and chairs Leadership and PAC meetings
Prepares each meeting’s agenda
Coordinates with the school admin to ensure both the PAC and school are being heard
Oversees and appoints special committees, as needed, to carry out PAC business
Takes minutes at each PAC meeting
Provides a copy of the minutes for review and posts as needed
Keeps the PAC mailing list up to date
Sends emails, as needed, to the Henderson Community
Takes lead of creation and distribution of any required flyers / notices
Manages the Henderson PAC website
Managers the John Henderson Elementary Parents Facebook page
Is a Signing Officer
Vice Chair
Assumes the duties of the Chair in their absence
Supports and accepts duties, as required
Is a Signing Officer
Note: If there are co-chairs, the Vice Chair role is not required if there are no interested parties.
Tracks activity on both the Regular and Gaming accounts via monthly bank reconciliation
Issues cheques as needed
Makes bank deposits as needed
Provides an up to date record of both accounts at each PAC meeting or as requested
Is responsible for applying for the annual Gaming grant
Is a Signing Officer
Note: This position requires a 2-year term commitment.
District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) Representative
Attend District level events / meetings as a representative of the Henderson PAC
Acts as an advocate for the Henderson Community at DPAC events / meetings
Provides DPAC updates at Henderson PAC meetings
Volunteer Coordinator
Works with the Chair, Fundraising Coordinator and Hot Lunch Coordinator to put out calls for volunteers as needed
Responsible for contacting volunteers without email by phone or text
Keeps an up to date record of volunteer names and contact information
Acts as a single point of contact for volunteers at events / activities
Fundraising Coordinator
Takes lead on researching fundraising opportunities
Presents new opportunities at PAC meetings
Reports on fundraising activities (past or upcoming)
Works closely with the Chair to communicate with Henderson families
Hot Lunch Coordinator
Manages all aspects of the Hot Lunch program
Works closely with the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure parent volunteer support is available
Is a Signing Officer
Community Engagement Coordinator
Establishes relationships with local community partners (ex. Sunset Community Association, VPL, local business, surrounding schools)
Provides resource material to the Henderson Community (ex. links to programming, activities, reference materials)
Coordinates opportunities for Henderson families to connect with one another (details and vehicles – TBD)
Coordinates potential guest speakers
Works closely with the Communications Manager to communicate with Henderson families
Classroom Parent Coordinator
Recruits parents in each division to be single point of contact for PAC
Ensures classroom parents have the information needed to share with classroom teachers and other parents
Shares any classroom parent questions / feedback with PAC Leadership, as needed
Note: This is a new initiative and will require someone willing to develop the program from scratch with input from the school Admin and PAC Leadership team before deploying to the larger school community.
Members at Large (Maximum of 2)
Help with duties as they arise and are of interest to them throughout the year
Head sub-committees (ex special events), as needed
Note: Preference given to parents of grade 6/7 parents who have held PAC Leadership positions previously.
Want to help but not sure how?
We’re always in need of assistance with the following:
Website and / or graphic design
Virtual meeting moderation
Technical assistance and know-how
Extra hands at all of our events and activities
Fundraising and canvassing
Community connections
Translation services
Grant applications
Interested? Email johnhendersonpac@gmail.com with your questions and / or complete the John Henderson PAC Leadership team - expression of interest form.